Friday, February 4, 2011

We are all on the same team......aren't we?

Social media.... sigh..the greatest and worst invention of our time. We now have the ability to sit on our couch in the comfort of our homes while catching up with 500+ friends lives all in about an hour. It's ingenious. But, it has also opened up a new kind of evil in the world. We now have the ability to spew out our negative thoughts, feelings, well just about anything to pretty much anyone we want to at any time of day. Marriages have ended, life long friendships destroyed, lives ruined, reputations crushed, people beaten, robbed, murdered and cyber bulling that is so bad people actually take their own life. It's madness.....all because of the 240 characters of What YOU were thinking. Crazy to think how words carry that much power. And as much as WE (Christians) want to believe it's everyone else, because we would never do such a thing because we only update Godly things....we do it too. The sad part is, we think so much of ourselves that we don't even realize we are doing it. We sit down at our computer, read something Sally Sunday wrote and think, "I'll show her" and spend 15 mins researching something clever to post and pretend it's just "coincidence" that it is in complete opposition to her status. Don't pretend you haven't....We have all done it, myself included. The sad part is that Sally Sunday usually was just sharing a revelation that she herself needed to hear. She felt God speak to her in her own weakness and thought.."This is too good, I need to share it with everyone!" and posted it with no further intention. But for some reason, Christians...WE....seem to think everyone is indirectly talking about US on Facebook. It's kinda funny actually. Because of our extreme insecurities with our roles in the kingdom and where we ultimately fit it in we scroll through our feed and have that moment of "They are directing that towards me!! I know it!!". So it begins....the Gentleman's War. Ever see paintings or drawings of the British Army? They were legendary with their ability to fight a war with music playing, their finest clothes on and all marching directly towards one another...firing away. Head held high in pride and as those around them were shot and killed yet they kept on marching. Madness...utter madness. Kinda like what we do. God forbid we deleted Sally Sunday, she's "our friend"...and we love her dearly and well that just wouldn't be the Christian thing to do! But we have to get our Gentlemen jab in there somewhere. We will shoot to kill, all while wearing our Sunday best because we feel it's the more civilized thing to do. It's one of those things where you step back and think..."Aren't we all on the same team??" Where did Christians draw the line with one another and say.."Um, you may love Jesus and all but I don't agree with your thoughts on where we should put that foyer table so I'll pretend to be nice to you at Church but I wont approve your friend request. This is what the western church has come to.....division amongst ourselves! we are all believers, all recognized as crap outside of Jesus, all in need of a savior yet we can't even associate ourselves as friends on a website?! My God, how are some of these people going to handle an eternity with Sally Sunday and her bad furniture taste? LOL! And we wonder how abortion, child trafficking, homelessness, orphans, war...disease famine have all gotten WAY out of control is because the enemy has us all distracted wining at each other! If we would all just SNAP OUT OF IT and stand together we could claim the victory that is already ours!!! The only greatest church in the world I am aware of...IS US. We are the greatest church in the world!!! Not that one building in that one small town in that one state in that one country. The greatest church in the world has no walls, needs no passport, has no skin color requirement and has no political affiliation. It is EVERY BELIEVER on the face of THIS PLANET. Period. And until we all realize that, all look each other in the eye and say "Will you fight this WITH me"...20,000 people will die of hunger today, 890,000 will die due to contaminated water, 2.5 billion will have no access to clean drinking water, 124,000 abortions will take place and so forth and so on. Only when we unite together will anything ever change. Until then we will all be pointing fingers at one another...demanding justification for why they aren't doing what we are passionate about. All while Jesus looks on and thinks "If they would only humble themselves, unite together for my cause...things could be different". I want to be different, do you?

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