Monday, October 4, 2010

Dear Dad...I'm sorry.....How's it going?

Even typing the word "Dad" makes me uncomfortable. Many of you already know the goods on my biological dad or perhaps you saw him on Dateline many years back but to preface this post I'll fill the rest of you in. I am the product of a dysfunctional family. Mother was on her 3rd marriage when she married my dad and my older brother Chris was 3 and from her second marriage. Things were rough to say the least. My dad was involved in organized crime and made really bad choices. I was getting high before the age of 5 due to second hand smoke. Fights were regular and violent and I had a front row seat to some crazy physical abuse towards my brother from my dad. Things weren't good. They of course divorced when I was 5 and after fights over custody, lies, bribes and attempted kidnapping, my visits with my dad ceased at age 8. When I was 12 he made his Dateline appearance which of course got everyone in my family stirred up. They spent 10 minutes interviewing him about his ability to defraud people and had stolen millions from some guy by stealing his identity and blah blah. They showed him behind bars, walking the yard...the whole deal. All I could do was shake my head. I then preceeded to spend my teens year in a whirlwind of anger and depression which led to my moving out at the tender age of 15. I spent two years living from friend to car and car to friend until I ended up pregnant at age 17. I then decided to marry my boyfriend at the time (ugh....another day another blog) and was slapped with the reality that my dad still had joint custody and he needed to sign consent for my marriage. Awesome. Sounded like fun. After phone calls and distant family searches we located his number and I was told it would be my job to call. It was uncomfortable to say the least. Long story short he met us in Tennessee, Pigeon Forge to be exact (ugh...again another blog...LOL) which was the site of the wedding to sign the license. This really sounds like a lifetime movie I know...bless me. I was anxious and distrought over this meeting. I couldn't even remember what he looked like. Once we entered the got ugly. I was prepared to see him....but not his new family I was unaware of. I walk up to a man that abandoned me 10 years earlier to find him with a new daughter, who looked exactly like me. I flipped out. I said some not nice words and stormed out. Course he signed his part and left humbly. A couple months later I received 3 cassette tapes in the mail from him. He sat down and detailed his entire life for me to hear....of course from his perpective. Some of which I now know were untrue and exaggerations but I considered it truth. His whole message was that of the victim and I bought it. I agreed to attempt a relationship...and it only lasted a few months. We never really talked about the missing 10 was as if he pretended they didnt happen and I was 8 again. But, I probably wasn't ready to go there anyway. I even went down to Miami to visit him with baby in toe. After I got home, conversations became fewer and fewer until one of us agreed to call the other the next week and 6 years went by with no phone call. Fast forward to summer 2006. Chad, the kids, our friends(cousins)from Ohio and myself find ourselves in Miami on vacation. The minute we arrived I was well aware of where he lived and his store in the local mall. I couldn't get it off my mind. It was of course driving Chad nuts to meet the infamous mobster so he and Lewis went window his store...LOL. They saw him, talked to him the whole works. All without him knowing it was HIS son-in-law he was takling to. He even mentioned he had a daughter and grandson that lived in Marietta...little did he know I actually had 3 children know and was remarried. They finished the small talk and headed back to headquaters. LOL. We didnt really discuss it much until the day we were to leave. We packed up and headed north and then I couldn't take it. Chad pulled into the mall and I got myself as I demanded.... and preceeded to confront him. I walked into his store to find him at the back, casually walking by me- smiling, and nodded and said "How are you" as he walked into the storage room. I realized then my own dad didn't recognize me....I am sure it fueled my interaction. When he came out and saw me waiting by the desk he realized I was there for him. As he approached he finally recognized me and our confrontation began. I won't spell out word for word what took place. The facts are I was cold, articulate, condescending, rude, disrespectful and on mark. I have always had the ability to say what I want to say, when I want to say it...which hasn't always done me good. I never raised my voice, just spoke my piece and asked some really hard questions. My end to the dad asks for my contact information and practically begs to at least keep in touch. My response..."I am 24 years old...what do I need a dad for now? You have new kids now that need it right with them". I swung my hair around and proceeded to walk out the store. That was last interaction. I felt great! Called my brother and spilled every word...we were high fiving through the phone. I had was over. So I thought. Fast forward again 4 year today. As much as I believed it was over...I had closure...the Holy Spirit has revealed otherwise. As I have asked him to purge my heart he revealed a truth I didn't want to see. I was wrong and I needed to make it right. But, maybe I was discerning it wrong? Well, I have literally all but had a BRICK WALL land in my bedroom that says....CALL YOUR DAD. And, I am usually really good at this. When I look in the mirror (he speaks to me a lot when I am doing my and the Holy Spirit says "You messed up, you need to apologize" I usually immediately contact that person. But.....this is the most difficult one of my life. And I dont know why. It seems so simple, so direct and yet my flesh is FIGHTING it tooth and nail. I keep telling Chad.."What in the world is God thinking....I mean....what do I even have to say to the man??". The Holy Spirit has become impatient with me as he has sent me oodles of dreams and visions telling me to do this and yet I ask the same question everytime and put it on the back burner. Well, when my head hit the pillow tonight he answered me. "You keep asking what do I say? What do I say...Here it is baby girl.....Dear Dad, I'm's it going"
Although I have every right (there are many ugly facts that are not in this blog...many many things) to cuss him up one side, down the other and walk away to never hear of him again its not about being right. For as much as I say I want to be like Jesus, Jesus wouldn't do that. And if I truly mean what I say...I must humble myself, swallow my pride and apologize for MY actions regardless of anything else. Because that my what Jesus would do. Being right doesn't matter to Him. Cause if it's about being right then I have many apologies to make. So, if I can do this....when everything society tells me I shouldn't...cause he deserves it. What is the Lord telling you to do that you have put off? What does your brick wall say?
As for me, a letter goes out in the morning. Granted, it's one sentence....but it's a start. And that is all Jesus is asking for.


  1. You never cease to amaze me or God for that matter. Your obedience and willingness to do as he asks of you is really starting to take you places and I'm thankful I get to go along side of you in that journey. Thank you for telling us and showing us what walking with God looks like!!! Love you bunches!

  2. I SO understand your struggle....

    May God Bless you and your obedience.
